I am a father to two beautiful daughters, and a little bit of a tech percussionist: I play quite different kinds of instruments (tech stacks, programming languages, gadgets), often with passion and as an unashamed early adopter, at varying levels of skill.

I somehow followed a path from computational biology & Machine Learning focused PhD to software development on Apple's desktop and mobile platforms, (Papers, Manuscripts, Sketch) + web frontend and backend services, before recently returning back to my original tech passion all the way from childhood: Linux (🐧).

I am incredibly lucky to be able to lead some very smart people at Canonical as Engineering Director. Before that, I open sourced the scientific writing tool Manuscripts which I had helped build. I have worked Product Director, Engineering Manager, small company CTO, and tiny company founder & CEO roles before.

You can learn more about my professional history on LinkedIn.

I am fosstodon.org/@mz2 on Mastodon, and @mz2 on Twitter.

Things I want to learn more of + celebrate

I intend for this blog to be an outlet for a number of topics I want to learn more about, get better at, and celebrate.

  • Leading productive, motivated teams.
  • Staying physically and mentally healthy, balancing an intense work schedule and family.
  • Programming with different combos of Dart, Go, Python, Rust, Swift, Elixir.
  • Audio DSP.
  • Tasteful cross-platform software development (presently with Flutter and Rust).
  • Getting deeper with Linux, from Snap packaging to Docker to K8s and desktop apps.
  • Having an impact with open source, as opposed to just slinging software.
  • Music production on Linux.
  • Finishing long-time projects: apps, photography, music and procedural graphics experiments 😅